Integratec API Platform


Creates a Manifest Report from a saved presort.



This request generates a manifest report.

"addressTable" : "name$master testing list",
"presortName" : "Std Flt",
"fileName" : "C:\\PresortOutput\\ManifestReport.pdf",
"fileType" : "PDF",
"streamList" : "ALL;ALL ALL"

This request generates a manifest report for each batch of a batch presort.

"addressTable" : "7112661645",
"presortName" : "Std Flt Batch",
"fileType" : "PDF",
"fileName" : "C:\\PresortOutput\\ManifestReport - Batch |O.PDF",
"allBatches" : true


"result" : "manifestReport: Job completed."

Request Schema

"title":"Manifest Report",
"title":"Address Table",
"description":"Group of records used for processing.",
"title":"Absolute Container Numbers",
"description":"Uses continuous container numbers (i.e, does not reset to 1 at the beginning of each stream)",
"title":"All Batches",
"description":"Sequentially generates output for all saved presorts associated with the batch presort.",
"title":"Batch Size",
"description":"Sets the number of pieces in each batch. Only used when the report style is set to FIXED.",
"description":"Collates multiple copies.",
"title":"Consecutive Batch Numbers",
"description":"Maintains the container numbers across all batches in a Batch presort",
"title":"Container Piece Limit",
"description":"Specifies the number of pieces within a container to use as a threshold or ceiling.",
"title":"Container Threshold",
"description":"Specifies how the value specified for the Container Piece Limit value is interpreted. A value of true will treat the Container Piece Limit value as a threshold and a value of false will treat the Container Piece Limit value as a ceiling. The value DEFAULT is interpreted as true.",
"description":"Number of copies of the Manifest Report to output.",
"title":"Def Order",
"description":"Allows a custom DEFORDER.TXT file.",
"title":"Do Rate Summary",
"description":"Includes the rate summary on the Manifest Report.",
"title":"File Name",
"description":"Path and file name for Manifest Report output to disk file.",
"title":"File Type",
"description":"File type for Manifest Report output to disk file.",
"title":"First Container",
"description":"Specifies the first container within the first stream selected. The DEFAULT value will select the first container within the first stream selected.",
"title":"From Page",
"description":"Page of Manifest Report to begin printing from, when printing a range of pages.",
"title":"Last Container",
"description":"Specifies the last container within the last stream selected. The DEFAULT value will select the last container within the last stream selected. The container number is with respect to the last stream selected.",
"title":"Mail ID",
"description":"Mail ID",
"title":"Non Simplified Only",
"description":"Includes only non-simplified containers. Valid only with ECR presorts.",
"description":"Overwrites existing file if the same file name is used",
"title":"Pallet Sack Order",
"description":"Produces output with records on pallets first, followed by records in sacks.",
"title":"Presort Name",
"description":"Description of the saved presort file.",
"title":"Report Style",
"description":"Prints the report using Floating or Fixed batch style. Floating is not available for USPS Marketing Mail using piece/pound prices.",
"title":"Simplified Only",
"description":"Includes only simplified containers. Valid only with ECR presorts.",
"title":"Stream List",
"description":"Mail streams to use for the job. It is displayed as Stream, NDC, NDC Number. The stream name may be specified without a destination or with a destination and ZIP Code™. Additionally, any word of the stream name may be specified as ALL or omitted to indicate that all streams present in the presort, that match other specified criteria, should be selected. When using the command ALL;ALL ALL, presort streams will be processed in the order: Destination (alphabetical) / ZIP (3-digit followed by 5-digit) / Stream (by type).",
"default":"ALL;ALL ALL",
"title":"Stream Order",
"description":"Defines the order streams are output.",
"displayValue":"Last Saved",
"description":"Last Saved"
"title":"Filter for creating a subset of the presort",
"description":"Creates a subset of the presorted items for Containers, Pallets, or Streams. Must be prefaced with a single character ((C)ontainers), (P)allets, (S)treams). Containers are either sacks or trays, Pallets are the physical pallets and streams are the presorted streams. May contain multiple values separated by commas. Each value must contain either an integer range specified as 'x-y', or a single integer. (i.e. 'P1-6,10' is pallets 1 thru 6, and 10) If specified the following commands will be ignored: firstContainer, lastContainer and streamList.",
"title":"To Page",
"description":"Page of Manifest Report to end printing on, when printing a range of pages.",

Reply Schema

"description":"Reply for the manifestReport request.",
"description":"manifestReport return description"