Integratec API Platform

A resource is a persistent object that can be uniquely identified and represented as JSON. Users can create, read, update and delete resources using Resource Calls.

Resource ID

A resource ID uniquely identifies a resource. It is an array of string values identifying the resource. It is hierarchical. That is, each value identifies a resource relative to the resource identified by previous values.

The syntax of the resource ID depends on the type of resource, but these are some general rules.

  • The first value always identifies a resource at the top level of the resource hierarchy,
    e.g. [ "addressTables" ].
  • Some types of resource have children, in which case the resource ID of a child is obtained by appending a value to the resource ID of the parent,
    e.g. [ "addressTables", "1234567890" ] has a child, [ "addressTables", "1234567890", "indexes" ].
  • Some types of resource have children that are alike. This is referred to as a collection.
    e.g. [ "addressTables", "1234567890", "selectivities" ] has children that are all selectivities.


Some types of resource have an auto-generated id property. The resource ID is obtained by appending the value of the id property to the resource ID of the parent,
e.g. the resource ID [ "addressTables", "1234567890" ] identifies the address table with the id "1234567890".


Some types of resource have an auto-generated bookmark. The resource ID is obtained by appending the bookmark to the resource ID of the parent,
e.g. the resource ID [ "addressTables", "1234567890", "records", "AQAAAA==" ] identifies a record with the bookmark "AQAAAA==" in the address table with the id "1234567890".


Some types of resource have a name property that can be used to identify the resource by name using the name$ prefix with the value of the name property. A resource ID can be obtained by appending this value to the resource ID of the parent,
e.g. the resource ID [ "addressTables", "name$Conner" ] identifies the address table named Conner.


Some types of resource can be persisted to file using the file$ prefix with a file identifier consisting entirely of lower case letters. A resource ID can be obtained by appending this value to the resource ID of the parent,
e.g. the resource ID [ "companies", "file$listprocessor" ] identifies a company stored in the file named companies/catalog/listprocessor.json.

The Data Marketing Services and Reporting modules do not support the file$ prefix.


Some types of resource support a default item in a collection. A resource ID for the default item can be obtained by appending default$ to the resource ID for the parent. This can only be used with the resourceGet() function,
e.g. the resource ID [ "addressTables", "1234567890", "layouts", "default$" ] identifies the default layout for the address table with the id "1234567890".

Resource Types

Supported resource types are shown in the table below. The table shows, for each resource type, whether or not it is a collection and what the Resource ID format is.

Resource Type Collection Resource ID
Address table catalog [ "addressTables" ]
   └ Address table [ "addressTables", < id / name / file > ]
      └ Records [ "addressTables", < id / name / file >, "records" ]
            Record [ "addressTables", < id / name / file >, "records", < bookmark > ]
      └ Indexes [ "addressTables", < id / name / file >, "indexes" ]
            Index [ "addressTables", < id / name / file >, "indexes", < id / name / default > ]
      └ Layouts [ "addressTables", < id / name / file >, "layouts" ]
            Layout [ "addressTables", < id / name / file >, "layouts", < id / name / default > ]
      └ Selectivities [ "addressTables", < id / name / file >, "selectivities" ]
            Selectivity [ "addressTables", < id / name / file >, "selectivities", < id / name / default > ]
Company catalog [ "companies" ]
      Company [ "companies", < id / name / file > ]
Permit catalog [ "permits" ]
      Permit [ "permits", < id / name / file > ]
Publication catalog [ "publications" ]
      Publication [ "publications", < id / name / file > ]

Address Table Catalog

The address table catalog is a collection of address tables.

Address Table

An address table has an underlying database table, defined using the classId and connection properties, records, indexes, layouts, and selectivities.

The following services create an address table and add it to the catalog.

The following services require an address table.

An address table has the following properties:

The id, name, classId and connection properties are required. The id property is auto-generated and read only.

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier
name string Name
classId string Class of the database (must be dbf)
connection string File name of the database (must be an xBase table)
LAYOUT_ID string id of the default layout
SEL_ID string id of the default selectivity
INDEXNAME string id of the default index
PASSWORD string internal use, do not modify
MAILER_ID string internal use, do not modify
OWNER_ID string internal use, do not modify
PROCESS_ID string internal use, do not modify
PREPFOR_ID string internal use, do not modify
HOLDER_ID string internal use, do not modify
SHOWDELETE boolean internal use, do not modify
NCOA_DATE date internal use, do not modify
DSF_DATE date internal use, do not modify
NCOADSFJOB integer internal use, do not modify
LABEL_REF string internal use, do not modify
REPORT_REF string internal use, do not modify
UDREP_REF string internal use, do not modify
COMPRCNT integer internal use, do not modify
DSTREP_REF string internal use, do not modify
FFRECEIVED date internal use, do not modify
PENCRYPTED boolean internal use, do not modify
ORDER integer internal use, do not modify
EXPORT_REF string internal use, do not modify
MODIFY_REF string internal use, do not modify
GROUP string internal use, do not modify
NOTES string internal use, do not modify
BROWSE_REF string internal use, do not modify
DEDUPE_REF string internal use, do not modify
COADSF integer internal use, do not modify
IMPORT_REF string internal use, do not modify
PAFFLAGS integer internal use, do not modify
NLFREQ integer internal use, do not modify
NLCLASS string internal use, do not modify
PAFAGENTID string internal use, do not modify
PAFADMINID string internal use, do not modify
NLBUYER string internal use, do not modify
NLMAILZIP string internal use, do not modify
BCCMUPC integer internal use, do not modify
NLIDB boolean internal use, do not modify
PROOF_REF string internal use, do not modify


A records collection is associated with an address table and represents the underlying database.


A record represents a row in the underlying database. Its properties correspond to the fields in the database.

A record has an auto-generated bookmark.


An indexes collection is associated with an address table.

The default index for an address table is identified by the INDEXNAME property of the address table.


An index represents an index of the underlying database table associated with an address table.

An index can be referenced by the index property of a request for the following services.

An index has the following properties:

The id, name and expression properties are required. The id property is auto-generated and read only.

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier
name string Name
expression string Database expression
unique boolean true if the index is unique, false if it allows non-unique values
descending boolean true if the index is ascending, false if the index is descending


resourceGet() is not implemented.

A layouts collection is associated with an address table.

The default layout for an address table is identified by the LAYOUT_ID property of the address table.


resourceDelete(), resourcePut() and resourceSet() are not implemented.

A layout defines information, not included in the database schema, about the fields in the underlying database table associated with an address table.

The most important properties of a field in a layout are as follows.

  • name is the field name in the underlying database schema.
  • displayName is the display name of a field.
  • addressGroup is an integer that groups fields together (eg. 1 means "Main Address Group") and dataType is an integer that identifies the type of data in a field, beyond what is described by the database schema (eg. 7 means "City").

Each valid integer value for the addressGroup and dataType properties has alias string values (eg. "MAIN" or "City") that can be used instead in some cases. The addresstable.json file in the installation folder defines all valid integer and alias string values.

In the addresstable.json file, the code property of an item in the addressGroups or dataTypes array in this file defines a regular expression that a string value must satisfy in order for it to be a valid alias for the value indicated by the id property. For example, this hypothetical snippet from the file would mean that the valid alias string values for an integer value of 987 are "EX" or "Example".


The following services can use alias string values and can reference a field by name, displayName or a combination of addressGroup and dataType.

The callResource-addressTables service does not allow alias string values.

A layout has the following properties:

The id and name properties are required. The id property is auto-generated and read only.

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier
name string Name
LIST_ID string internal use, do not modify
LAYOUTTYPE string internal use, do not modify
FORM_WIDTH float internal use, do not modify
FORM_HT float internal use, do not modify
AUTOZIP4 boolean internal use, do not modify
COMPONENTS string internal use, do not modify
VERSION string internal use, do not modify
MEMOTEXT string internal use, do not modify
└ fields array internal use, do not modify
      id string Unique identifier
      name string Name of the field
      displayName string Display name of the field
      addressGroup integer Address group of the field
      dataType integer Data type of the field
      SEQ_NO string internal use, do not modify
      EDIT_MASK string internal use, do not modify
      LEFT integer internal use, do not modify
      TOP integer internal use, do not modify
      WIDTH integer internal use, do not modify
      HEIGHT integer internal use, do not modify
      FONTFACE string internal use, do not modify
      FONTSIZE integer internal use, do not modify
      FONTSTYLE string internal use, do not modify
      SCRFLDTYPE integer internal use, do not modify
      COMPONENTS string internal use, do not modify
      LOOKUPTBNR integer internal use, do not modify
      ISCALCFLD boolean internal use, do not modify
      VALUETRUE string internal use, do not modify
      VALUEFALSE string internal use, do not modify
      DISPFMT string internal use, do not modify
      EDITFMT string internal use, do not modify
      MAXVAL string internal use, do not modify
      MINVAL string internal use, do not modify


A selectivities collection is associated with an address table.

The default selectivity for an address table is identified by the SEL_ID property of the address table.


A selectivity is a filter for the underlying database table associated with an address table.

A selectivity can be referenced by the selectivity property of a request for the following service.

A selectivity has the following properties:

The id and name properties are required. The id property is auto-generated and read only.

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier
name string Name
expression string Boolean expression
null = No filter by expression
sampleInterval integer + = Interval for sampling one record per interval
- = Interval for sampling all but one record per interval
null = No sampling per interval
sampleRandom float Probability of a record being sampled at random, 0 to 1
null = No random sampling
sampleMaximum integer Maximum records
null = No maximum records

Company Catalog

The company catalog is a collection of companies.


A company can be referenced by the following properties:

A company has the following properties:

The id and name properties are required. The id property is auto-generated and read only.

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier
name string Name
ALTADDR string Alternate address
ADDRESS string Delivery address
CITY string City
STATE string State
ZIP string ZIP+4
PHONE string Phone number
FAX string Fax number
EMAIL string Email address
DUNBRAD string Dun & Bradsheet number
NONPROF boolean Authorized for non-profit mailing
COUNTRY string County
FZIP string Postal code
TAXID string internal use, do not modify
PERNUM string internal use, do not modify
PERTYPE integer internal use, do not modify
FACC string FACC
EXT string Phone extension
CONTACT string Contact
NPNUMBER string Non-profit number
PAFCONTACT string internal use, do not modify
PAFTITLE string internal use, do not modify
NAICS string internal use, do not modify
PARENTNAME string internal use, do not modify
ALTNAME string internal use, do not modify
MAILERID string Mailer ID
CRID string CRID
WEBSITE string internal use, do not modify
IDENTIFIER string User-defined text, intended for identification
PAYACCTNO string Payment account number

Permit Catalog

The permit catalog is a collection of permits.


A permit represents a USPS mailing permit.

A permit can be referenced by the following properties:

A permit has the following properties:

The id and name properties are required. The id property is auto-generated and read only.

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier
name string Name
PERMITNO string Permit number
MAILINGPO string Permit post office of mailing
PERMITNAME string Name of the permit
PREPNAME string Name of the prepared-for company
HOLDERID string id of the permit holder in the company catalog
PREPAREID string id of the prepared-for company in the company catalog
AGENTID string id of the mailing agent in the company catalog
PERMITTYPE integer Type of permit
1 = Permit
2 = Meter
3 = Stamp
4 = Government Permit
6 = Periodicals Pending
7 = Government Meter
PAYACCTNO string Payment account number
HOLDERNAME string Name of the permit holder

Publication Catalog

The publication catalog is a collection of publications.


A publication represents information required by the USPS when mailing a publication.

A publication can be referenced by the following properties:

  • The publicationNumber property of a request for the eSubmission or mailDat service
  • The publication property of a request for the presort service

A publication has the following properties:

The id and name properties are required. The id property is auto-generated and read only.

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier
name string Name
PUBNAME string Publication name
PUBNO string Publication number
EDCODE string Edition code
ISSUEDATE string Issue date
ISSUEFREQ string Issue frequency
CUSTNO string Publisher Dun & Bradsteet number
PHONE string Publisher phone number
MAILID string id of the mailing agent in the company catalog
CONTCNTY string Contiguous county
EMAIL string Publisher email address
EXT string Publisher phone extension
PERMITID string id of the pending periodicals permit in the permit catalog
MAILINGPO string Entry post office
CONTACT string Publisher contact
PUBLISHID string id of the publisher in the company catalog
PAYACCTNO string Payment account number